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How to add Custom fields on osclass registration form?

Add Custom fields on osclass registration form

Want to add Add several custom fields to your osclass website registration form? We can do it simple by using “Requiredreg” Osclass Plugin. Download Link of the plugin Given bellow,

Lets start, follow my steps,

How to add custom fields in osclass registration form
Add Custom Fileds in Registration form


1. Login to Osclass dashboard.

2. Move your cursor to plugins,  Click manage plugin and Click + symbol on right corner to add new plugin.

Add new plugin plus symbol
Add Custom Fileds in Registration form

3. Upload the Requiredreg plugin and enable it.

4. Now click show more, Click users, and Click add a fields.

Add custom fields

5. This will allow you to add different custom fields to your osclass form.

You can add whatever the fields you like, you can add country, state, city, pin-code, Date of birth, and website URL. You can also set the field necessary by clicking yes on required field.

Click the bellow download button to download Requiredreg Custom field plugin.

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